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eMobility Advanced Research Center (eMARC)

BorgWarner plans to build the eMobility Advanced Research Center, focused on research into advanced technologies for the mobility of the future, which is subsidized by the Xunta de Galicia, through the Axencia Galega de Innovación, in the call for aid for the creation of new business research centers.

In these facilities, which will initially have a capacity for 150 research positions, the company will invest 12 million euros, which includes the plots of land and the first phase of construction.

There will be space for offices and laboratory areas, as well as other facilities focused on scientific activity and dissemination.

BorgWarner Emissions System Spain has acquired from Zona Franca de Vigo two plots of land in Porto do Molle, in the Technological Area of the business park of Nigrán (Pontevedra) to build its research center on future mobility.

The profiles that will be part of the eMobility Advanced Research Center will be almost all highly qualified in Electronics, Telecommunications, Computer Science, Mechatronics, Physics and Mathematics, profiles that can be supported by auxiliary personnel, but maintaining a percentage of high qualification above 95%.

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